A book Jacket mockup of Heather Lyons's "The Deep End of the Sea"
The book talks about the Greek myth of Medusa and how the gorgon has lived isolated for years, paying for an unjust cursed feeling like she's been drowning in the deep end of the sea.
I wanted the cover to be a little more playful than the original and represent the themes of the book in a way that as soon as you see it you'll know it talks about a Greek Myth. 
I chose an amphora to convey the Greek themes present in the text, and covered it with barnacles and seaweed to give the impression that this vase has been underwater for a long time, in the same way as the main character has been feeling like drowning for years, it also plays with the title of the book.
Final Layout
With the author's information, the illustration, a brief description, and other information about the book.
Jacket Design with text underwater
Design and text
Preliminary design of amphora
Mockup provided by @Vectorium from freepik

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